Portugal 10, 20, and 50 Centavos 1942 to 1979

Portugal 10, 20, and 50 Centavos 1942 to 1979

The shields with 5 dots is an unusual pattern which may attract collectors eager to add attention-getting coins to their collections. Portugal has issued such coins with various inscriptions, in various denominations, and in various metals, including bronze and aluminum, in modern times. This page covers 10, 20, and 50 centavos between 1942 and 1979 with the 5-on-a-die pattern and the denomination above plants. There are several variations, with denominations shown in Roman and Arabic numerals:

10 CENTAVOS 1942 TO 1969: Bronze, X Centavos
10 CENTAVOS 1969 TO 1979: Aluminum, 10 Centavos
20 CENTAVOS 1942 TO 1969: Bronze, XX Centavos
20 CENTAVOS 1969 TO 1974: Bronze, 20 Centavos
50 CENTAVOS 1969 TO 1979: Bronze, 50 Centavos

Only a few special coins carry any real collector value, and for most coins the following is true:

worn: less than $1 US dollar approximate catalog value
average circulated: less than $1
well preserved: $1
fully uncirculated: $3

- 10 centavos dated before 1955 catalog at $5 average circulated, $40 fully uncirculated, except:
- 10 centavos dated 1949 and 1953 are common and catalog at $12 when fully uncirculated
- 10 centavos dated 1952 catalog at $12 average circulated, $125 fully uncirculated
- 10 centavos dated 1948 catalog at $30 average circulated, $150 fully uncirculated
- 10 centavos dated 1969 with an Arabic '20' denomination, not a Roman 'X' denomination, are extremely rare and catalog at $1500 in average circulated condition

- 20 centavos dated 1949 and 1962 catalog at $18 when fully uncirculated
- 20 centavos dated 1948 and 1952 catalog at $12 when average circulated, $150 when fully uncirculated
- 20 centavos dated 1942 to 1945 catalog at $4 average circulated, $60 fully uncirculated
- 20 centavos dated 1951 catalog at $2 when average circulated, $150 fully uncirculated
- 20 centavos dated 1953 to 1961 catalog at $8 when fully uncirculated

If your coin is not specifically mentioned in the 'special coins' list above, it is a common date. All 50 centavos are common date.

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Portugal 10, 20, and 50 Centavos 1942 to 1979
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Coin: 6626, Genre: Colonizers and Colonies, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 201100, Last review: 201505
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic brown Metallic gray Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1942, filter: 1942 to 1979
Image: portugal_50_centavos_1970.jpg

Tags: escutcheon grain republicas shiled reipvblicae beading period periods crests portug plants 5th centavo republique planting crest repvbliqve insignia portugalie chevrons repbulique portugaliae repvblique cruciform arm wheat crossing centaos shields republika wheats republiek wheatie beaded coats portugueza portugali point republiove portugesa portugalia centanos 10th maltese portvgvesa dots republik chevron portugal 50th coat beads crosses portugel logo portoguesa repub points arms portvcvesa creast plant grains repvblica dice portugese crossed centavos sheild pearl republicans bead pearls maltise portuguesa republicia criss crested portuguese repvbblica 20th republican dot rebublique cross portvg vegetation shield escucheon republ dotted republica shild republic

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