China Double Dragon Amulet

Token China Double Dragon Amulet

I like Bob Reis' introduction to his page on Chinese Amulets:

Chinese culture is permeated with, no, based on poetic allusion, hidden meanings, union of opposites, complex currents of energy and intention. In certain contexts these bases can express in rank superstition (present in all human cultures), and in others can lead to scientific advancement.

If you are squirmish (as I am) about the occult, mysticism, divination, and similar arts, the double dragon coins and amulets are more provactive than other similar pieces known as Dragon and Phoenix amulets described at this CoinQuest link. If one of your dragons looks like a bird, then it is the Dragon/Phoenix piece. See the illustration to the lower left.

More than likely, Dswiz has a modern reproduction of a double dragon amulet from the Ming Dynasty. Reproductions sell retail for a few US cents to a few US dollars. Such coins are used in some type of divination known as I Ching which has a popular following to the point where you can buy 100 coins for about $20. They may also be used for Feng Shui good luck pieces.

The image to the left marked (A) through (D) shows a few examples of double dragon amulets.

The (A) coin is a genuine double dragon from the Ming Dynasty. The Chinese characters are obscure and we have not been able to thoroughly identify it, however, it appears to be both old and genuine. It would probably sell retail between $30 and $80.

The double dragon coin marked (B) in our picture comes from Chinese Coins and Charms where it is attributed to the Ming Dynasty with dates Cheng Te (1505-1521 AD). Such an item would probably sell for $50 to $100 US dollars, and certainly more if it were in better condition.

The (C) coin is a modern I Ching piece. They come in various configurations and with various Chinese characters, but they are all modern and worth essentially zero. Serious coin collectors would never buy them, but plenty of people enjoy such novelties.

A dragon and a phoenix (bird) appears on the (D) coin. It is a popular Feng Shui theme.

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China Double Dragon Amulet
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Coin: 6943, Genre: Tokens, Timeline: Modern
Created (yyyymm): 201101, Last review: 201509
Appearance: Square hole at center Metallic brown Dark metallic Letters: Chinese style
Years: sort: 1990, filter: 1948 to 2050
Image: china_double_dragon_amulet.jpg

Tags: charms symbol amulet 4th symbal symbels chinese logograms logogram 2nd doubling squares hole china simbol character boxes squarish japanise chineese chine charm symbols characters japanes box squared boxed symbles japan taiwan square japanize dragons holes double doubled simble chian japenese japanese dragon doubles amulets holed talisman annulet

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