China Emperor Coins 1618 to 1911

Medal China Emperor Coins 1618 to 1911

These are not actually coins from China, but novelty pieces struck to record the reigns of Emperors of the Ching Dynasty, which ran from 1644 to 1911. It is kind of like a set of 'coins' struck for each President in America, such as the sample at this CoinQuest link.

These coins are made in modern times of base metal. They are worth a few dollars each. Do not pay more than $10 US dollars, even though you can find them on sale for prices well above this level. $2 is more like it!

There is an interesting thread on this topic over at CoinCommunity.

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China Emperor Coins 1618 to 1911
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Coin: 6959, Genre: Medals, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 201101, Last review: 201601
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic gray Dark metallic Letters: Chinese style
Years: sort: 1618, filter: 1618 to 1911
Image: china_emperor_coin.jpg

Tags: oriental headed scripts male letter asia monograms emperer halves man sliver imperator chinese emperado imperatore emperador orient logograms logogram emporer lettering initials emperor halfe siver feinsilber silver china character chineese chine empress caligraphy inscription imper mans characters heads silber emperio oneheaded silverish emperator monogram taiwan head dragons mens emperur half emp initals letters empereur argent impc impz chian imperaior emperuer imperat scrip inscriptions dragon imp empreradur lettered silb script calligraphy asian silba initial

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