Paraguay 5, 10, and 20 Centavos 1900 to 1903

Paraguay 5, 10, and 20 Centavos 1900 to 1903

In ancient times, freed slaves often got a felt 'liberty cap' to show their status as free men. The felt cap on a pole became an important symbol of liberty throughout the world. You can find liberty caps on many coins, including US coins and several other countries. Paraguay used this figure with a kingly lion on its early centavo pieces.

All of these coins with the lion/cap pattern carry roughly the same value regardless of date or denomination, although coins dated 1900 are a tad more valuable than other dates. The value goes up sharply for coins in well preserved condition, as follows:

worn: $2 US dollars approximate catalog value
average circulated: $5
well preserved: $20
fully uncirculated: $50

20 centavos coins dated 1900 are less common when they are fully uncirculated, in which case they catalog for about $100.

Be sure to apply the concepts on our Terminology page to these inflated catalog values. Actual buy and sell values will be lower.

Coin: 7011, Genre: Colonizers and Colonies, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 201102, Last review: 201509
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic gray Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1900, filter: 1900 to 1903
Image: paraguay_10_centavos_1903.jpg

Tags: republicas hat reipvblicae garland reif limb branch 5th centavo republique helmets repvbliqve sticks headband repbulique repvblique fez hooded tigers lion poles reef bonnet centaos republika spray rods del republiek wreah tiger helmet lions stalks paraguay republiove centanos 10th hood wreath twigs rod headdress republik twig sprigs shaft pole repub staffs sprays wreathed helmit sprig branched repvblica branches wreth cougar centavos republicans stick caps rief cap republicia stalk repvbblica 20th branching staff plus republican rebublique helmeted wreaths wreathe wreat republ republica republic

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