Great Britain 1, 2, 3, and 4 Pence 1838 to 1901

Great Britain 1, 2, 3, and 4 Pence 1838 to 1901

Queen Victoria's reign was so long, the Royal Mint used three different portraits on the obverse ('heads side) of many coins. The one in our primary picture is called the young head portrait. It runs 1838 to 1887. Other portraits, shown in our secondary picture, come later.

These small silver coins come in four denominations: 1, 2, 3, and 4 pence. Each coin is a little bigger than its predecessor. In general, these are all low-values coins. The one pence (the penny) contains 0.014 troy ounces of silver, and the other denominations are 2, 3, and 4 times that amount.

As always, CoinQuest gives very approximate evalutions. If you get interested in coin collecting, you cannot persue the hobby without a set of good coin catalogs, which easily contain 1000 times the information available on CoinQuest. Lumping the 1, 2, 3, and 4 pence Victoria coins together to include all dates, all denominations, and all Victoria portraits, approximate catalog values are:

worn: $2 US dollar approximate catalog value
average circulated (like our picture): $5
well preserved: $15
fully uncirculated: $60

These values apply in general but, for some reason, the three pence are worth more than the 1, 2, and 4 pence, on average. If you have a 3 pence, you can double these values, approximately.

Coin: 7120, Genre: Colonizers and Colonies, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 201102, Last review: 201410
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic gray Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1838, filter: 1838 to 1901
Image: great_britain_3_pence_1885.jpg

Tags: tiera regina garland reif 4th british fourpence tiarra reginaf brittish 2nd tiara victoria vicoria crown reef victotia reginam england wreah victoriad sixpence brittain brittan regini crowning victor threepence wreath britt pence crowns brit english victoriya britan britian crowned wreathed four britain viktoria wreth kingdom twopence 1st rief regal kingdoms 3rd wreaths wreathe wreat great

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