Liberia Commemoratives 1990 to Date

Liberia Commemoratives 1990 to Date

The abomidable practice of human slavery compelled President Abraham Lincoln to affix the motto IN GOD WE TRUST on US coinage as early as 1864. Way before that, in 1822, Liberia, on the east coast of Africa, served as a homeland for freed slaves with the US government providing funds for securing land from tribal chiefs. IN GOD WE TRUST first appeared on Liberian coins in 1889.

Starting around 1990, the modern country of Liberia began to issue commemorative coinage featuring all sorts of US- and world-based themes. These commems are issued in 1, 5, 10, 20, 25, 30, 50, 100, 200, 400, 500, and 2500 dollar denominations. These coins are worth face value in Liberia. One Liberian dollar is worth about 1 US cent.

Many of these coins are worth their weight in gold and silver. If your coin is made of precious metal, then the value is equal to the amount of gold or silver it contains.

Use to find the current value of gold and silver, and use to find the current conversion between Liberian dollars and other currency.

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Liberia Commemoratives 1990 to Date
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Coin: 7317, Genre: Core African, Timeline: Modern
Created (yyyymm): 201103, Last review: 201509
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic gray Metallic yellow Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1990, filter: 1990 to 2050
Image: liberia_20_dollars_2000.jpg

Tags: escutcheon commemorative palmetto palmtree jacobs shiled trees ribbons fron crests goldenen oak sliver crest insignia chevrons liberie boats tree comemorate james flagship arm shields siver outriggers frond feinsilber commemoratives silver liberia coats elm sailingship iacobvs jimmy gold sail oceanie jas prasident fronds galley silber ship commemorates chevron cutter pine sailboat coat silverish presidency golden logo commemorating gildt clipper commemorate arms polk goldish masted sash warship commemerate creast commemerative jacobvs palms boat palm sheild argent oceanic steamboat president commemoration lake ships jacob pres crested saling sea sails commerative vessel ocean presidencial oceania jacobus outrigger liberi shield silb escucheon ribon presidents presidente presidential sailing shild silba ribbon

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