Canada Commemorative Cobalt Silver Mine 1963

Canada Commemorative Cobalt Silver Mine 1963

Nice coin, Russ. Although it is not really a legal tender coin, but a silver medal struck in honor of Cobalt, Canada. These coins contain 1.4 troy ounces of silver, and most of their value comes from the precious metal content. Use a reliable web site, such as to look up the value of silver (it changes every day), then multiply that value by 1.4 to obtain the base value of your coin.

Since Russ's coin is in mint condition, i.e., uncirculated or nearly uncirculated, a collector might be willing to pay a few extra dollars to buy it. Maybe $5 over the silver price. If the collector has an emotional attachment to Cobalt or silver mines, the $5 might go up to $10 to $20. But the basic value is the silver value.

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Canada Commemorative Cobalt Silver Mine 1963
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Coin: 7457, Genre: Colonizers and Colonies, Timeline: Modern
Created (yyyymm): 201103, Last review: 201509
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic gray Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1963, filter: 1963 to 1963
Image: canada_commem_cobalt_1963.jpg

Tags: commemorative palmetto encircled palmtree north dwelling trees struck possession ray fort circal editon weights 60th fron rings 4th mining oak sliver courthouse mine radiate 2nd weigh fox tree circling comemorate emanate architectural skyline encircles circel encircle siver cabin frond feinsilber commemoratives ringed silver circumference beams skyscraper encircling elm ring mintmarks shovel hut three radiating canadienne circles key loop fronds circumscribed canada silber circumscibed circuit commemorates nord rays pine barn 50th mintmark silverish edition commemorating radiates canadian commemorate battlements weight mintmaster circlet circle measures building casa commemerate keys yrs commemerative palms pure residence 1st palm argent puro loops years canad canadaian commemoration circular incircled architecture buildings home house commerative mines beam mint workhouse year circled houses weighs cobalt buildin pura silb foxes emanating weighed candian radiant structure measure silba

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