Belgium 5, 10, and 25 Centimes 1938 to 1947

Belgium 5, 10, and 25 Centimes 1938 to 1947

These coins come from around the time of the German occupation of Belgium during World War II. Some are made of zinc, some of nickel-brass, and some of copper-nickel. Most of these coins that you find are not in good shape; they have been worn and stained over the years. If you find a nice-looking specimen, you have a coin with decent collector demand.

As to value, they are all low-value coins except for a few notables. Approximate values for all the non-notable coins, regardless of date and denomination, go like this:

worn: less than $1 US dollar approximate catalog value
average circulated: $1
well preserved: $4
fully uncirculated: $12

As with all our coins quoted on CoinQuest, these are catalog values which must be converted to actual values based on our Important Terminology page.

The *notable* coins are listed below, with approximate cata values for average circulated coins which have no problems such as spots, stains, nicks, or cleanings.

5 centimes, 1938, medal alignment: $10 US dollars
25 centimes, 1938, medal alignment: $10

The two *notable* coins must display medal alignment to be valuable. To determine if your coin has medal alignment, hold it between your thumb and index finger showing the Belgique-Belgie and three crowns upright. Your index finger must be at the top of the coin, and your thumb at the bottom. Now flip the coin from left to right, like turning a page in a book. If you see the crown at the top and the date at the bottom, you have a coin with medal alignment. Most coins (the common, low-value ones) will have the crown a the bottom and the date at the top. This is called 'coin alignment.'

Coin: 8084, Genre: Central Europe North South, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 201106, Last review: 201510
Appearance: Round hole at center Metallic brown Metallic gray Dark metallic Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1938, filter: 1938 to 1947
Image: belgium_25_centimes_1938.jpg

Tags: escutcheon belgioue tiera shiled cmes scripts belgie letter monograms crests belg 5th belciqve beloie belgish crest tiarra insignia centered chevrons lettering initials tiara centime arm crown belgium certer shields corners hole centers coats centre crowning beligiom caligraphy inscription 10th crowns chevron coat belgen logo belgisch crowned monogram belgii off belguiou arms belgia offcenter belgian creast initals letters holes sheild belgidue belgique 25th belgien belges crested belgiue scrip inscriptions centimes 3rd belge belgische belga corner holed lettered shield center beleciqve escucheon offset script shild calligraphy initial

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