Mexico 5, 10, and 20 Centavos 1867 to 1905

Mexico 5, 10, and 20 Centavos 1867 to 1905

These are nice old coins, Dominic, from the second Mexican Republic (1865 to 1905). The three letters on the back, such as CnQ or MoM, are a combination of mint mark and assayers. The mint marks tell where the coin was minted, for example:

Do: Durango
Go: Guanajuato
P: San Luis Potosi
OA: Oaxaca
Mo: Mexico City

and the assayers initial specifies the minting official overseeing the production of these silver coins made with 902.7 fine silver, that is, silver which is 90.27 percent pure.

Value, as always, depends on the condition of the coin, with well preserved coins worth much more than worn coins. Coins with damage, such as cleanings, scratches, stains, or spots, are worth almost zero.


The listings below give rough catalog values for these coins. Use our Important Terminology page to convert the catalog values shown here into actual buy and sell values.

worn: $5 US dollars approximate catalog value
average circulated: $15
well preserved: $35
fully uncirculated: $60
coins dated after 1880 are more common and worth about one-half of the values shown
coins dated 1871 with CnP mint mark and assayer are rare, worth $200 in average circulated condition
coins dated 1874 to 1881 with Do (Durango) mint mark are rare, worth $200 in average circulated condition for all assayers
coins dated 1874 with HoR mint mark and assayer are rare, worth $200 in average circulated condition

worn: $5 US dollars approximate catalog value
average circulated: $15
well preserved: $35
fully uncirculated: $60
coins dated after 1880 are more common and worth about one-half of the values shown
coins dated 1881 or 1882 with CnD mint mark and assayer are rare, worth $150 in average circulated condition
coins dated 1878 with DoE mint mark and assayer are rare, worth $125 in average circulated condition
coins dated 1889 and 1890 with OaE mint mark and assayer are rare, worth $250 in average circulated condition
coins dated 1870 to 1874 with Zs (Zacatecas) mint mark are rare, worth $200 in average circulated condition for all assayers

20 CENTAVOS DATED 1898 TO 1905
worn: $8 US dollars approximate catalog value
average circulated: $16
well preserved: $32
fully uncirculated: $100

Coin: 8197, Genre: Colonizers and Colonies, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 201106, Last review: 201510
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic gray Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1867, filter: 1867 to 1905
Image: mexico_20_centavos_1903.jpg

Tags: republicas parrot mexican reipvblicae garland reif halves mexicano 5th centavo republique birds mexicanos eagles repvbliqve mexio owl eaglets repbulique gull repvblique snakes halfe falcon reef crow centaos republika pigeon egals republiek wreah flamingo mexicana serpent lyrebird republiove centanos 10th wreath mex republik repub hawk asp 7th wreathed half mexico repvblica wreth centavos republicans bird rief republicia repvbblica 20th eagel republican rebublique snake eagle wreaths wreathe wreat egal republ republica asps republic

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