Austria Signvm Memoriae 1898

Medal Austria Signvm Memoriae 1898

That's Emperor Franz Joseph (Franc Ios) of Austria on the front of this bronze medal. The back, signvm memoriae, commemorates the 50th anniversary of his reign in 1898.

These typically sell for $30 to $50 US dollars if in good shape. Medals with ribbons intact are worth more to medal collectors.

If you were selling your medal to a dealer, figure the dealer would want a 100% mark-up, which means he or she would pay half the retail price.

Coin: 8635, Genre: Medals, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 201108, Last review: 201510
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic brown Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1898, filter: 1898 to 1898
Image: austria_signvm_memoriae_medal.jpg

Tags: bohemia josef garland reif oesterreich hungaru rex emperer avstri hungarian imperator rectangle emperado boem magyar imperatore emperador austriae emporer aust ungaria emperor hungaria franks reef bohem boh hungari hungarie wreah josefa squares jozsef rexf austro joseph avst boxes aus squarish signum empress vngarie ioseph maghyar imper rexx memor wreath rexm avstr emperio rectangular macyar hungary box hungariae frank squared hung austrie avstriae boemie boxed emperator rectangles iosephvs hvngar memoriae austrian vngaria square etc boeh signvm joe wreathed emperur austr ungarie idg emp austria hvng wreth empereur hvngariae memorial fancs francs impc rief impz franc austriacum imperaior rexano emperuer hungar imperat imp wreaths wreathe empreradur wreat oesterreichische bohmen jose ios

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