Great Britain Enameled World Crowns 1675 to Date

Great Britain Enameled World Crowns 1675 to Date

There are three things that make old coins worthy collectibles:

- History
- Artistry
- Precious metal

Some coin artwork is truly beautiful, and sometimes people enhance it with color. Crown-sized coins, bigger than 30 mm diameter, are often selected by artists for colorization. Much of the time pins, brooches, and bevels are affixed to the colored coins to make jewelry.

Most coin collectors, fussy purists that they are, shun painted coins and consider them damaged goods as far as their collections go. The markets for painted coins are therefore the jewelry and novelty market. The underlying collector value of the coin is canceled by the colorization.

The coins in our picture come from Goldberg Coins and Collectibles, where they sold at auction in the range of $75 to $200 US dollars. These are typical retail values for such pieces. Wholesale values would be about one-half retail.

CoinQuest thanks Goldbergs for use of their coin photos. They are beauties!

You can see a colorized US coin at this CoinQuest link.

Coin: 8772, Genre: Colonizers and Colonies, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 201108, Last review: 201705
Appearance: Painted ~ Colored Metallic gray Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1675, filter: 1675 to 2050
Image: great_britain_enamled_crown.jpg

Tags: escutcheon tiera shiled scripts georg letter rex monograms british crests geogivs crest tiarra insignia centered brittish chevrons lettering initials tiara georgeivs tigers lion arm crown georgivis certer georgius shields georgivs england centers rexf brittain tiger coats enameled centre brittan crowning painted mag lions geor caligraphy worlds inscription rexx george sthib britt rexm crowns brit geroges chevron english georgiv coat britan geogius logo britian crowned monogram off arms giorgi four offcenter britain georgious enamel creast initals georgvs letters cougar georgian sheild pale georgevs yellow one georgium crested rexano ones enamal scrip inscriptions white paint georgvis lettered world shield center escucheon great offset script shild calligraphy initial

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