US Barber Dime 1892 to 1916

US Barber Dime 1892 to 1916

US dimes minted from 1892 to 1916 carry the Miss Liberty design of Charles Barber and they are called (no surprise) Barber dimes. Each dime contains 0.0723 troy ounces of silver (look up the current value of silver at Most Barber dimes carry common dates and mint marks. 'Common date' coins catalog as follows:

worn: $4 US dollars approximate catalog value
average circulated: $15
well preserved: $40
fully uncirculated: $120

Your coin may be a 'better date' coin, so be sure to check the lists below. The 'common date' values above apply to all dates and mint marks not in the 'better date' list below.

Be sure you understand what the word catalog means by looking it up on our Terminology page. Catalog values are inflated values. Actual buy and sell values are almost always less than catalog values.

The better dates and mint marks are shown below, with an approximate catalog value for coins in average circulated condition.

1892S: $220 US Dollars approximate catalog value for average circulated coins
1893O: $150 average circulated
1894: $160
1894O: $270
1895: $470
1895O: $1200
1895S: $200
1896: $75
1896O: $350
1896S: $350
1897O: $360
1897S: $120
1898O: $140
1899O: $90
1900O: $150
1901S: $450
1902S: $80
1903S: $450
1904S: $240
1906O: $70
1908O: $60
1909D: $90
1909S: $130
1910S: $70
1913S: $190

To tell if your coin is in average circulated condition, it must plainly display the word LIBERTY in Miss Liberty's headband. If is does not, it is in worn condition. Most Barber dimes you see today are heavily worn and do not reach average circulated grade. The mint mark, if present, appears below the ribbon at the bottom of the wreath on the side that says ONE DIME.

Coin: 883, Genre: United States, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 200907, Last review: 201901
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic gray Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1892, filter: 1892 to 1916
Image: us_barber_dime.jpg

Tags: wreath libertatis garland liberta reif ribbons libera liberdad plants libertao planting dimes liberty wreathed sash plant libertas wreth rief liberate reef libertad barber liber wreah dime liberte wreaths wreathe vegetation wreat libertate ribon ribbon

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