Canada British Columbia Kootenay 1978

Token Canada British Columbia Kootenay 1978

This is a token, not a coin. British Columbia Indian Heritage - Series II Kootenay (or Kutenai) Dollars are made of either silver-plated nickel, which are magnetic, or pure silver, which is not magnetic. Annotation 'VALUE $100' should be 'VALUE $1.00' since no decimal point (dot) appears on any of the Kootenay Dollars. Actual value is a few US dollars for nickel specimens, and a few tens of dollars for silver.

The 'c' before '1841' means circa, or approximate, probably the year Chief Isadore was born. The mintmark below the Chief's left shoulder is the Sherritt Mint - Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta, Canada mark. The Kootenay natives in the canoe are harvesting wild rice.

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Canada British Columbia Kootenay 1978
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Coin: 926, Genre: Tokens, Timeline: Modern
Created (yyyymm): 200907, Last review: 201902
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic gray Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1978, filter: 1978 to 1978
Image: canada_kootenay_token.jpg

Tags: colombian hood peple two hat britt colombo canada galley canoe ship brit headdress peoples cutter charlottetown sailboat indian english british britan kutenai chief colombia charlottesville britian 100th basil clipper helmets july canadian twice dollare coloumbia value masted britain brittish warship helmit headband fez person colo hooded boat boats charlotte oceanic caps dollars flagship canad steamboat canadaian cap dollar lake people bonnet doller ships england saling outriggers sea sails vessel dol ocean brittain oceania helmeted 100 outrigger brittan sailingship helmet indians persons chiefs dolls kootenay sail candian oceanie sailing columbia colommbia canadienne

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