Germany Canteen 1933 to 1944

Token Germany Canteen 1933 to 1944

The cities of Koln and Aachen were in the administrative district (Gauwaltung) of the German Labor Front (Deutsche Arbeitsfront or DAF). Apparently Wolfen has a canteen (kantine) token worth 20 pfennigs from that area. The example in the picture comes from the forum at where various experts comment on the scarcity of this piece.

Attempting to place an approximate value on such tokens is difficult. There is a strong following of German Third Reich memorabilia, and this pushes value up. However, tokens in general are collected with far less vigor than legal tender coins, and this pushes value down. Finally, the fact that the collectors at War Relics have not seen this particular pattern works in favor of high value. My guess at the value of Wolfen's token, which is sorely damaged with scratches and corrosion, is $20 US dollars. If it were in good shape, with no damage, value would probably be $100 or more.

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Germany Canteen 1933 to 1944
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Coin: 9565, Genre: Tokens, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 201110, Last review: 201606
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic gray Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1933, filter: 1933 to 1944
Image: germany_20_pfennig_canteen_token.jpg

Tags: deutiches encircled swasticka bundes circal swastika devtsch koningryk koenigreigh deustch rings konigreich deutsche deutchen germanic canteen kongung konigin deutscherlander gauwaltung swatz koningrik german koeing spoke koen deutsch circling deutchlands koln germany deutschen encircles konig swastick circel encircle deutscher koninkrijk ringed circumference encircling kongeriget swatstika bundesrepublic deutschland ring koeni wheel kongeriket koningrijk aach kongerike deut circles loop koenig circumscribed koin circumscibed circuit devtscher deuches deutchland bundsrepublik swazticka deutsches koning koenigin swas koenigreich swaztika circlet swastiks circle konge spoked gear deutches bundesrublika koningsryk bundesrepublik swats dutchland deutshen koningrujk loops bund one deutschlands swastik nsdap circular incircled nazi swastikas konigr 20th ones koningin swaztica circled bundersrepublik spokes kong konung bundesrepublika koninklike aachen

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