Great Britain Half Crown 1893 to 1901

Great Britain Half Crown 1893 to 1901

With 0.42 troy ounces of silver in these old crowns, and with the world economy struggling and pushing the price of silver upward, these coins carry a decent amount of value from silver content alone.

To find the silver value, use a web site like to find the current value of silver per troy ounce, then multipy by 0.42.

The coin in our picture is attractive, which works in its favor, but it is also fairly worn and has some detracting marks on the reverse. All in all, collectors will probably look at other specimens before buying this one. The price they will pay above basic silver value is called collector premium, and here are some approximate values:

worn: add $1 US dollar to basic silver value
average circulated: add $50
well preserved: $125
fully uncirculated: $200
half crowns dated 1894 are less common and catalog at $75 average circulated, $500 fully uncirculated

Apply the concepts shown on our Important Terminology page to adjust the value you get when you add collector premium to basic silver value.

Coin: 9620, Genre: Colonizers and Colonies, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 201110, Last review: 201610
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic gray Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1893, filter: 1893 to 1901
Image: great_britain_half_crown_1899.jpg

Tags: escutcheon encircled tiera harp shiled circal rings def emperer halves british crests ind imperator emperado inde imperatore crest tiarra emperador insignia brittish chevrons emporer tiara victoria vicoria tigers lion india emperor circling halfe arm crown encircles circel encircle shields victotia england victoriad ringed reg circumference brittain encircling tiger coats brittan ring crowning lions empress victor imper circles loop circumscribed britt queen crowns circumscibed emperio brit circuit chevron queens english coat victoriya britan emperator logo britian crowned fid arms circlet circle emperur half britain viktoria creast emp empereur cougar sheild impc loops impz imperaior circular incircled crested emperuer gra imperat circled imp empreradur shield escucheon great shild

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