Great Britain Sovereign and Half Sovereign 1902 to 1910

Great Britain Sovereign and Half Sovereign 1902 to 1910

These old sovereigns derive their value from gold content. The designs are the same for half sovereigns and full sovereigns, but here's the difference:

HALF SOVEREIGN: 19 mm diameter, 0.1177 ounces of gold
SOVEREIGN: 22 mm diameter, 0.2354 ounces of gold

Given a current value of gold, let's say $1340 US dollars per troy ounce, the value of a half sovereign is 0.1177 x 1340 = $158. That is the base value (BV). BV for a sovereign would be 0.2354 x 1340 = $315. The value of gold changes every day. Look it up at

For coins in excellent condition, you can add a collector premium to the BV, like this:

SOVEREIGNS AND HALF SOVEREIGNS (no mint mark, see below):
worn: BV
average circulated: BV
well preserved: BV + $20
fully uncirculated: BV + $50

If your coin is cleaned, scratched, spotted or otherwise damaged, it is worth base value.

Now there is always a chance that your Edward sovereign or half sovereign has a mint mark. Look closely (I need a magnifier to see it) on the reverse side under the dragon slayer. Our picture shows and M mint mark on a coin dated 1911. Other mint marks are C and P:

C = Canada
P = Perth, Australia
M = Melbourne, Australia

Some coins with mint marks carry extra value. The dollar figures after the dates and mint marks below are catalog values for coins in well preserved condition.

1904P: $1400 well preserved
1906M: $1000
1907M: BV + $100
1908P: $1500
1909M: BV + $100
1909P: $600

1908C: $3000 well preserved

Coin: 983, Genre: Colonizers and Colonies, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 200907, Last review: 202110
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic yellow Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1902, filter: 1902 to 1910
Image: great_britain_sovereign_1902.jpg

Tags: sovgn rider moustache vii edwardus britt prance rexm equestres emperio brit bearded english rex galloping emperer halves wiskers british britan ind whisker emperator equestrian sovereign mushtash britian hairline imperator sov horse ride emperado mountie inde imperatore emperador dragons emperur half britain beared brittish emporer emp empereur goty soverein india prancing emperor sideburns impc mustache horses stallion mounted halfe impz edouard mount horseman dragonslayer beard imperaior edwards horsehead soverigns edward riding england pony slayer rexano hair emperuer sideburn reins edwardvs rexf imperat brittain tee dragon omn imp rein horseback goatee brittan hairdo beareded empreradur eduardus gotee great empress whiskers sovereigns imper rexx

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