Egypt 5 and 10 Milliemes 1938 to 1943

Egypt 5 and 10 Milliemes 1938 to 1943

Use the table on this page to read the date on these coins using the one-to-one mapping of eastern Arabic numerals to Hindu Arabic numerals that are used throughout the Western world. The coin in the photo has two dates: 1943 and 1362. Both dates are the same and consistent with each other. The 1362 date uses a Muslim calendar known as Hijra based on lunar (not solar) years starting when Mohammed was alive in the 600s AD.

The denomination, also, appears in eastern Arabic numerals. The coin in our picture is a 10 milliemes piece. Nye's coin is a 5 milliemes piece, with an egg-shaped numeral 5 at the center.

These are modern coins and not worth very much unless they are in superb numismatic (coin collector) condition.

Typical values are a few cents for worn specimens, a few dollars for circulated coins like the one in our picture, and $5 to $10 US dollars for fully uncirculated examples.

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Egypt 5 and 10 Milliemes 1938 to 1943
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Coin: 9916, Genre: Islamic Hindu Buddhist, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 201111, Last review: 201704
Appearance: Unusual or irregular shape Metallic brown Letters: Flowing style
Years: sort: 1938, filter: 1938 to 1943
Image: egypt_10_milliemes_1943.jpg

Tags: hat curvy male round swirls curves man 5th scribble helmets outteredge rim rounds egyptian centered headband isn fez hooded aribic millieme curl arabia edging bonnet certer edged swirl milliemes edges centers twirly bowed curly centre helmet egypt curlicues uniforms flat curved 10th hood mans swirly egg curving headdress meliems arab uniform off squiggley curve curlycue mens offcenter squiggles helmit arabian languages sqiggles arabic caps swoosh cap curls one squigle language ones squiggly helmeted scribbles arabesque center egyption edge offset squiggle

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